Notice Regarding Save Data Transfer for the International PlayStation®5 / PlayStation®4 Version of "MEGATON MUSASHI W: WIRED"

Update Date: 2024.5.24 [JST] * This page is translated into English only.

For regions outside of Japan, the PlayStation®5/PlayStation®4 version of "MEGATON MUSASHI W: WIRED" is currently unable to support save data transfer from "MEGATON MUSASHI" and "MEGATON MUSASHI X".

Previously, save data transfer functionality was only supported in Japan because the earlier versions were only released and distributed in the Japanese region.

We are currently working to enable this feature for players outside of Japan as well, allowing for save data transfer between the same PSN accounts.
Please do not delete your previous save data while awaiting this fix.

Additionally, for players outside of Japan who own the following DLC items in "MEGATON MUSASHI X", please note that cross-region item transfer is not supported.

[Affected Items]

  • ●Victory Pose "Kabuki"
  • ●Attire "Yamato (Student Uniform)"
  • ●Rogue "Musashi (Samurai Red)"/Rogue "Proto-Frame 0X"
  • ●Limited Pass Z "Iron Sword(Beginner Orange)"、"Gatling Ballast(Mythril Star Red)"
  • ●Limited Pass B "Burn Axe"
  • ●Limited Pass S "Space Launcher"
  • ●Limited Pass C "Crimson Piercer"

* The Nintendo Switch version supports both save data transfer and paid items transfer.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience this may cause to our players. We appreciate your patience and support for "MEGATON MUSASHI W: WIRED" as we work to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.